Sunday, April 27, 2008

To start with, an epiphany!

Waking up, I have a dream. I’ve gone into a busy library (or a mall) and there are people walking about everywhere. There’re all types, all races, and I’m struck with the variety and beauty. I look into everyone’s eyes (especially if the people are women, and the eyes are brown) and then suddenly I stagger. I stumble to support myself. I’ve just had an epiphany. This is what it means to be God!

In every pair of eyes I see consciousness lurking. This swarming matrix of humanity – no, life – is like a fire awaiting a match. This is omnipresence all ready to go. Am I the only one who sees? We’re only a spark away from the realization that all is one, and that we’re a membrane away from grokking ourselves for what we are (and always were) which is the timeless entirety. Imagine the simultaneous smile as that light dawns!