Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fickle and faithless

No sooner do I pledge allegiance to Thom Hartmann than I switch horses in mid-stream. Thom, you're still my friend (and Ran, Dan, Derrick, James, Richard, Carolyn, Dmitry, Sharon, Daniel . . .) but the best site I've found to fossick around in must be Dave Pollard's.

Besides, I sent him an email and he responded within a couple of hours.

William: Thanks for the kind words. Sorry I missed you during my recent trip to NZ.

How do I do it? Hmm...
  • Helps to be old enough to know what doesn't work (57).
  • Helps to be an empty-nester, no longer working for a big 80-hours-a-week sweatshop.
  • Helps to have wonderful communities of readers and conversationalists who will talk about anything and tell you when you're full of shit.
  • Helps to live in the countryside, surrounded by wild spaces.

But to tell the truth, I going to (I must) spend more time on spewing out words of my own. Not screeds, however. That isn't my style. I'm a great believer in succinctness. Let me get straight to the point.

All the answers lie within. Any external prompts is just a goad -- no false goads, what!?