Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nice to meet Thom Hartmann

May I say what a pleasure it is to meet you, Mr Thom Hartmann. I came to know of you through What a Way to Go: Life at the end of Empire. After watching the documentary, I made its website my home base (for a while). For the past couple of years I'd been flitting around the Peak Oil blogosphere at an ever-increasing and disconcerting pace.

But as I say, your book, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight was one of those listed as recommended reading. Our local library holds six of your books--no, that's Rupert Sheldrake, who you in turn recommended. In any case, they have three of four of yours, and I couldn't resist The Greatest Spiritual Secret of the Century to start off with. Well, I mean, who could?

I have to say that for me your fiction isn't literature. I far prefer TLHOTAS in terms of style. Nevertheless, for me a book's style (age, condition . . .) come a distant second to the message, so I persisted.

And yes! On page 222:

Then Joshua said, "My son, the Greatest Spiritual Secret of the Century, of every Century, is 'We Are All One.'"

Not only that. On page 234 it is mentioned that there isn't any time or space. "Right on!" I thought, "Here's my new base!"

But then you didn't take it further. You didn't build on that or take it to its logical conclusions. I thought you would; you were on the verge, just as Neale Donald Walsch has been. Really, this truth needs teasing out in a manner that the ordinary person can grasp.

Well now, there are 6 billion answers (p224). One of those is mine. And, if I may say so, it works better for me than yours--naturally--and better for most people I'd venture to say. Okay, here's the deal. Just as I persisted with TGSSOTC (as for The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, I can't put it down :-) you've persisted with this open letter. And so, if you would, could I refer you to . . .

(to be continued)