Friday, June 27, 2008


Thank you Nathan and Hummer for your comments ('William' please, I've never related to 'Bill'). Thank you also, Webmistress' for your private response.

I read that this guest book is simply an oasis, and so I shan't stake out a territory and camp. But I would appreciate catching my breath and my thoughts here from time to time. Do let me know if I overstay my welcome.

I'm in overdrive at the moment, and have been for the past 18 months, ever since I first learned about Peak Oil. It has led me on a journey through many inter-related fields (geopolitics, religion, history, psychology . . .) but the main thing for me is that it has reawakened my interest in examining the nature of existence. Daniel Quinn's books and ideas (and this site) have become home base for me, I'm pleased to say.

And yes, I have a meme or set of ideas that I and would be prepared to share with gentle people. I think that they, the ideas, can make a difference. My problem, though, is that in terms of writing and/or communicating that I feel that I'm restricted. I feel like someone who is paralysed and can only tap out words one painstaking letter at a time. Rather ingenuously, I had hoped that Daniel would take up that burden on my behalf, but I now realise that it isn't really any easier for him. I need to be prepared to take 12 years to put out what I want to say, I've been told. Well yes, I'm prepared to. But do we have that much time?

In Daniel's 'The New Renaissance', he speaks for the need for a revolutionary new way for humans to perceive reality (I'm paraphrasing loosely). I've just read Thom Hartmann's 'The Greatest Spiritual Secret of the Century'. Said secret is for us to see ourselves as one. Neale Donald Walsch has alluded to the same, and so, I'm sure have many others. But they haven't taken it any further. They've left it at that. And I don't think that anyone has truly grokked both the notion and what the consequences are (the corollary is).

After visiting

What I've managed to do is to use several mind experiments to come up with a mind-blowing new world view. It's still barely able to stand on its dodgy pins - as they say, every new idea is born drowning - so I hesitate to expose it to the world . . . and yet we've less than 12 years, I am certain.

So . . . I've had a crack at putting the idea into words. This is only the first draft, and I haven't yet tackled the implications. It's a start.

The you in me salutes the me in you

Will? I am!