Saturday, July 19, 2008

Authentic living

I was going to title this post 'My Bullshit-o-meter', but it covers some of the same ground as 'Ding-a-ling'. Both refer to an inbuilt sensory device that I'm blessed or burdened with. It lets me know in no uncertain terms when I deviate from what's right for me. And lately it's been over active.

Are you possessed with or by a sense of grandeur? You are gifted. You could save the world if you wanted, if you knew how. Greatness lies within you if only you could bring it out. That's been my case for all of my life.

It isn't 'wrong' - not for me or for you. But it can lead to a pattern of behaving or looking at situations that doesn't serve well.

Here goes: you rack your brains for the 'right' thing to do and the one thing to be involved with. Not this, not that, no that isn't going to satisfy me in any way. If you look for the one thing out of an infinity then you are going to have to say no for virtually all of the time. And anything that you indulge in such as listening to music, working on you fitness or relationships or whatever is going to feel like a waste of time to you.

It has to me.

Until I remember this: There isn't actually anything worth doing of its own accord. What - so you save someone else by doing what you do